Water is rather important for coffee. After all, coffee consists of 98 percent water. Water must be clean, free from heavy metals and chloride and have a limited hardness.
We at ZeroWater believe that people should just experience our product and let the results convince them.
Tea sommeliers are unanimous: "Pure water creates the best taste. By filtering water, lime, other minerals and salts are extracted from the water.
Martin Kuiper of Tea Stories did an interview with the idea to offer Dilhan a ZeroWater pitcher afterwards. The conversation with Merrill unfolded like a journey through the history of Sri Lanka.
ZeroWater does not only sponsor special tea events in the Netherlands; we also want to show the unique effect of our filter across the border.
In the United States, ZeroWater is mainly used by people who want to drink clean and healthy water. Here in Western Europe tap water is of such good quality that there is almost no chance of falling ill after drinking it.
98% of tea is water so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the smell and taste of your water has an enormous influence on your cup of tea. Tap water contains a lot of substances that influence the smell and most of all the taste of water.