TDS is the abbreviation for total dissolved solids, i.e. a sum of all solids dissolved in water. TDS is measured in ppm = parts per million. Dissolved solids are solids that can dissolve completely in water. Think of minerals, salts and metals. It is possible to remove the dissolved solids from the water by filtration.
TDS can consist of different chemicals, such as pfos/pfoa, glyphosate, chromium, lead and mercury. Dissolved solids enter our water supply through old pipes, road salt runoff, pesticides, fertilizers and more. When the TDS level in your water rises, it can affect the appearance, taste and smell of your water. The lower the TDS score, the better your water.
ZeroWater is the only filter that filters the TDS value to 0, so that you are left with really pure and clean water. The ZeroWater filter is the only filter that filters lead, chromium and mercury (NSF certificate). ZeroWater removes 99% of all dissolved solids from your water (50% more than other brands).
Testing of drinking water in labs is expensive. That is why ZeroWater opted for a home test that is easy to perform. Use the tds meter supplied with the jug for this. Would you like to do the TDS test before purchasing a filter system? Then buy a separate tds meter in our store.
The TDS value of drinking water varies widely across Europe. We have readings from 60 ppm to a whopping 560 ppm. However, because there is a big difference between the values, ZeroWater asks all ZeroWater users to report their TDS values.
This map shows the TDS values of very many proud ZeroWater owners. Do you want to tell us your value? Please do this through the contact form and receive a voucher for a €5 discount.
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