Spring water is generally iron-rich. Iron gives a bad taste to the drinking water. In addition, it can cause technical problems, such as deposits and corrosion in the pipes. The water gets a rust color when the iron comes into contact with oxygen. Due to the oxygen supply, oxidation starts and the iron is converted. That is why iron in the water can be easily recognized by the rust color of water.
Iron is a raw gray element that belongs to the group of transition metals. It is common in the soil: about 5% of the earth’s crust consists of iron. It is mainly found as the mineral hematite. Iron is magnetic and is a fairly good conductor of electricity. Iron is in the periodic table with the symbol Fe and atomic number 26.
The legal maximum iron content of drinking water is 0.2 milligrams per liter. Iron is naturally present in groundwater. There are even huge chunks of iron at the bottom of the sea. Erosion can also cause iron from rocks to end up in the water.
Iron is the most used metal in the world: about 90% of the metal that is produced is iron. That’s because the costs of using iron in industry are low and the material is incredibly strong. That is why it is also widely used as a part of steel. In short, iron is in a great many products. Think of cars, washing machines, buildings and bridges. Sometimes small particles of iron are also added to paint, medicines and pesticides. About 300 million tons of iron are recycled every year. The processing of iron and the associated waste contribute to the contamination of iron in groundwater.
If there is a lot of iron in your drinking water, you can taste it. Your water has a metallic taste. You will especially taste the difference if you drink pure water. Coffee and tea also taste better with pure water. You can recognize a high iron content in the water by slightly brown or reddish brown water that comes out of the tap.
Iron is an important component of many enzymes. That is why people need a certain amount of iron per day, about 15 milligrams. The protein hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the blood, also uses iron. Iron also contributes to the proper functioning of our immune system.
Do you have an iron deficiency? Then you can suffer from:
An excess of iron does not occur so quickly. Long-term high iron intake can lead to
In general, filtering iron from water is primarily a taste consideration. Iron deficiency or excess is not very common. It is mainly the characteristic taste that leads to the choice for pure water.
Yes, ZeroWater filters 99.9% iron from tap water. The Premium 5-Stage on Exchange Water Filtration System removes more contaminants than the standard 2-Stage filters. ZeroWater had 150 liters of filtered water (double the rated usage) tested by an independently certified external laboratory during the test. The test results are based on the NSF / ANSI test protocol of flow-through equipment for contaminants listed under the national primary drinking water standards.