TDS means Total Dissolved Solids, or the number of dissolved solids in drinking water. You can easily measure how many dissolved substances are present in water with a TDS meter. This way you quickly know the pureness of your drinking water. And you can easily test when the ZeroWater filter needs to be replaced.
To measure the TDS content of the drinking water, you need a TDS meter. This is a simple meter that works on batteries. You can compare it with a temperature gauge that you hold in the water. A number is displayed on the meter to indicate the TDS value in the water. In other words, how much dissolved solids are present in the drinking water.
It is important for your health to measure the TDS content in the water. The more dissolved solids in the water (a high TDS value), the greater the chance that there are harmful substances in it.. Harmful substances are not good for anyone and increase the risk of health problems. Conversely, the lower the TDS value, the purer your drinking water is. Pure water can be used more easily by your body to optimally hydrate the cells. A person needs about 2 liters of pure water per day to hydrate his or her body sufficiently.
A TDS meter measures the number of dissolved solids in the drinking water in parts per million (ppm). The meter calculates the TDS level in the water. The higher the value, the more pollution is present in the water. For example, a value of 60 ppm means that out of one million particles there are 60 dissolved ions and the rest (999,940) are water molecules. The meter reads “000” for ZeroWater filtered water, because the TDS level is 0 due to the filtering. ZeroWater is the only water filter that filters all dissolved solids from the drinking water. That is really pure water!
When measuring the water, the TDS value can be low or high. It is important for the assessment to know what a low or high level means. When the TDS value is high, a large amount of dissolved solids have been found in the drinking water. This can affect the taste and smell of the water. A low TDS level means that there are fewer dissolved solids in the water and that the water mainly consists of water molecules. The result is good tasting water. A value between 51 and 200 is an average value that often appears in the TDS measurement. For values that exceed 300, we speak of a very high TDS content.
Even if you use the ZeroWater filter, it is important to regularly take a TDS measurement of the filtered water. Especially if your drinking water has a TDS value above 300. Then the filter must be replaced more often. By regularly taking TDS measurements of your filtered water, you know when it is time for a new filter. If the reading is “006” or higher, you need to replace the filter.