Does ZeroWater remove sulphide?

Published on 30/09/2020 Last updated on 29/09/2023

Sulphide occurs in natural surface waters in concentrations of about 5 to 200 milligrams per liter of water. Sulphide can affect the taste of drinking water and have a laxative effect.

What is Sulphide?

Sulphide is a sulphur ion in oxidation state 2-. The formula of sulphide is S2-. It is widely found in metal ores, for example along with antimony, zinc, iron and arsenic. In water we mainly find hydrogen sulphide. Sulphur is in the periodic table with symbol S and atomic number 16.

How does sulphide end up in drinking water?

Sulphur and sulphide end up in groundwater via the natural sulphur cycle (see image). So it is naturally already in our water. Water with high concentrations of sulphide has a foul odor that resembles rotting eggs.

Sulphur is mainly released during the combustion of natural gas, coal and petroleum. In addition, sulphur is used in industry for steel production, the vulcanization of rubber, concrete production and the pharmaceutical industry. Sulphur can also be found in products such as gunpowder, fireworks, antifreeze and batteries. Sulphide can end up in the groundwater during the processing of chemical waste.

Sulphur dioxide kills bacteria and acts as an antioxidant. That is why it is sometimes added to vegetables, fruit and wine. It also prevents discoloration with these products and keeps them looking fresh.

What are the health effects of sulphide?

Elemental sulphur is not that toxic to humans and is even a component of many amino acids. Sulphide, however, is toxic. Inhalation of hydrogen sulphide leads to

  • nausea;
  • eye and airway irritation;
  • cough;
  • breathing problems.

Drinking water with high levels of sulphide can cause nausea and diarrhea. Hemoglobin, the protein in blood that transports oxygen, may also be affected by sulphides.

In addition to the health risks, sulphides in water also cause an unpleasant smell and taste. Even small amounts can strongly influence the taste of water, coffee and tea. Filtered water is fresher in taste and healthier than drinking water with sulphides. Use ZeroWater to filter sulphide from your water.

Does ZeroWater filter sulphide from the tap water?

Yes, ZeroWater filters 55% sulphide from the tap water. The Premium 5-Stage Ion Exchange Water Filtration System thus removes more impurities than the standard 2-Stage filters. ZeroWater had 150 liters of filtered water (double the rated usage) tested by an independent certified external laboratory during the test. The test results are based on the NSF / ANSI test protocol of flow-through equipment for contaminants listed under the national primary drinking water standards.